Complaints procedure

Moveli exists to make selling, buying, letting or renting your home an enjoyable and successful experience. We do everything we can do ensure we give you the best possible service throughout. However we also recognise that, sometimes, not everything goes to plan.

This complaints procedure sets out the steps you can take in circumstances where you feel we have failed to live up to the high standards we aspire to, and that you should expect as our client. Our aim is always to resolve complaints as quickly as possible for the benefit of all concerned.

Step 1: Initial Contact

Often the fastest way to resolve your complaint is to discuss it directly with the member of staff concerned. We therefore recommend this is your first step. They will know your situation best and are therefore best placed to resolve your complaint.

If you feel uncomfortable with this, or if your complaint has not been dealt with to your satisfaction by the member of staff involved, please feel free to escalate the issue, either verbally or via a simple email, to the Manager or Director responsible for managing the member of staff to which your complaint relates.They will be able to give you this person’s contact details.

Once escalated, the relevant Manager or Director will take ownership of your complaint and attempt to find a resolution as swiftly as possible.

This will almost certainly involve the Manager or Director discussing the situation with the member of staff concerned.

Step 2: Formal Complaint

If, after following Step 1, you still feel your complaint has not been resolved satisfactorily, please forward a written complaint to our Director of Customer Service and Compliance at the address below, or email to

The Director of Customer Service and Compliance

Alpinum Limited t/a Moveli

21 Ellis Street



Please include as much detail as possible including dates, details of specific complaints and any supporting documentation to ensure that the matter is dealt with as efficiently and fairly as possible.

Formal written complaints will be acknowledged within 3 working days of receipt and an investigation will be undertaken. We will write to you confirming the outcome of our investigation along with our final viewpoint within 15 working days.

Step 3: Referral to The Property Ombudsman

We hope that we can resolve your complaint internally, however If you are still not satisfied with our final viewpoint (or more than 8 weeks has elapsed since the complaint was first made) you can request an independent review from The Property Ombudsman without charge. The Property Ombudsman will hear your complaint along with our viewpoint and make a judgement as to the best way to resolve it. Contact details for The Property Ombudsman can be found at and below:


The Property Ombudsman

Milford House

43-55 Milford Street





Telephone: 01722 333 306



Please be aware that The PropertyOmbudsman will only consider your complaint if the procedure above has been followed, and if it the complaint has been referred to them within 12 months.


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020 3150 0733

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